masked woman scanning groceries in store with phone

Smart Packaging Solutions and Cutting-Edge Technologies

Counterfeiting and diversion can impact your company’s bottom line, your reputation, and the safety of your consumers.


Counterfeiting is the sixth largest economy by GDP in the world


The value of counterfeit
goods estimated to be sold worldwide in 2021


The risk of a consumer purchasing counterfeit goods in the US


As of 2020, counterfeiting
has cost brands more than
$30B in annual sales

VerifyMe offers a broad portfolio of brand protection and engagement solutions. Drawing on our extensive expertise, we bring together world-class physical, digital, and online technologies to create comprehensive, customized product authentication and engagement strategies to help protect your brand and grow your business.

a woman scanning a box in a pharmacy with phone


Ensure product is real and not harming your business or your consumers. VerifyMe Authenticity™ provides visible and invisible technology to stop the most sophisticated counterfeiting techniques, guaranteeing products are authentic and safe.

two people shaking hands


Connect with consumers, turn authentication into brand building, and gain valuable business intelligence. VerifyMe Engage™ combines Smart Packaging with cloud-based authentication software and mobile web experiences to help brand owners connect with consumers at point of sale, point of use, and beyond.

VerifyMe Authenticate QR Code example on box


Guarantee product is in the right place or the right market. VerifyMe Traceability™ delivers visibility to events across the supply chain by deploying non-invasive methods to integrate, collect, and store traceable product lifecycle events.

Start solving your business-critical challenges.